Beacon for Sustainable Living

Supporting those leading the way on sustainable lifestyles


  • OneEarth Living


  • Vancity
  • Vancouver Foundation

How do we raise our ambition and shift discourse and action on sustainable living?

​We have vast potential to transform our ways of living to address climate and sustainability challenges. The Beacon for Sustainable Living is a global initiative shining a light on fresh, bold solutions that match the scale and pace needed to reach 1.5 degree, one-planet living. Together, we can take action with inspired creative strategies and overlooked solutions to living well for all within our ecological footprints. 

The Beacon supports those leading the way on sustainable everyday living. Together, OneEarth Living, Hot or Cool and a team of communications and international experts identify creative strategies and overlooked approaches to living well for all within our ecological footprints.​ Solution areas that have great promise in supporting the large-scale changes necessary to achieve sustainable living include: rethinking reduce; life transitions; cities and sustainable living; and imagining futures. 

We are translating complex ideas into useful communication, gathering and developing creative communications campaigns, messages, case studies and future visions of sustainable living, and sparking action on high-impact solutions. We convene sustainable living leaders to pool our collective knowledge and strategies, share our approaches, engage in peer-to-peer learning and partner to achieve the next level of impact.

Visit the project website

How do we raise our ambition and shift discourse and action on sustainable living?

​We have vast potential to transform our ways of living to address climate and sustainability challenges. The Beacon for Sustainable Living is a global initiative shining a light on fresh, bold solutions that match the scale and pace needed to reach 1.5 degree, one-planet living. Together, we can take action with inspired creative strategies and overlooked solutions to living well for all within our ecological footprints. 

The Beacon supports those leading the way on sustainable everyday living. Together, OneEarth Living, Hot or Cool and a team of communications and international experts identify creative strategies and overlooked approaches to living well for all within our ecological footprints.​ Solution areas that have great promise in supporting the large-scale changes necessary to achieve sustainable living include: rethinking reduce; life transitions; cities and sustainable living; and imagining futures. 

We are translating complex ideas into useful communication, gathering and developing creative communications campaigns, messages, case studies and future visions of sustainable living, and sparking action on high-impact solutions. We convene sustainable living leaders to pool our collective knowledge and strategies, share our approaches, engage in peer-to-peer learning and partner to achieve the next level of impact.

Visit the project website

Project Team

Dr. Vanessa Timmer

Erica Priggen-Wright

Lisa Mastny

Dagmar Timmer

Cora Hallsworth

Blake Robinson

Edna Catumbela

Lauren Thu

Max Serpa

Dan Burns