One Planet Network: Sustainable Lifestyles and Education Programme
Supporting all sectors of society to implement SDG 12
- Stockholm Environment Institute
- Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
- Government of Japan
- Government of Sweden
- OneEarth Living
- UN Environment
- Akatu
- Swechha
- D-Mat
- Universidad El Bosque
- Nordic Council of Ministers
- Swedish EPA
- others
How can we accelerate the uptake of sustainable lifestyles globally as the common norm?
The Sustainable Lifestyles and Education (SLE) Programme of the One Planet Network aims to accelerate the uptake of sustainable lifestyles. It works to activate people and key actors to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12), focused on ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.
The SLE Programme envisions a world where sustainable lifestyles are desirable, beneficial and accessible for everyone, and supported by the public, private, education and community sectors. Through a global network of experts, practitioners, and learners, the SLE Programme develops tools and resources that allow policymakers, businesses and civil society to build sustainable systems of living. It aims to address global challenges such as biodiversity conservation, resource efficiency, climate change mitigation, poverty reduction and social well-being.
At the level of individuals, SLE’s Anatomy of Action toolkit outlines the top-level changes any individual can make to support the growing shift to global sustainability. SLE’s Good Life Goals lay out 85 ways anyone can contribute towards the huge, planet-changing objectives that sit at the heart of the SDG agenda.
At a more systemic level, the SLE Programme equips teachers and educators with curriculum resources on sustainable lifestyles, guides policymakers on sustainable lifestyle supporting policies, and provides strategic resources for businesses, civil society and community groups.
OneEarth Living is a co-lead of the SLE Working Group on Amplifying Sustainable Lifestyles and Education, along with IGES. With partners, we aim to accelerate a worldwide movement and action. We created the SLE Contributor Cohort, which brings together outstanding young leaders from around the world to further SLE research, networks and initiatives.
Sample projects:

How can we accelerate the uptake of sustainable lifestyles globally as the common norm?
The Sustainable Lifestyles and Education (SLE) Programme of the One Planet Network aims to accelerate the uptake of sustainable lifestyles. It works to activate people and key actors to contribute to Sustainable Development Goal 12 (SDG 12), focused on ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns.
The SLE Programme envisions a world where sustainable lifestyles are desirable, beneficial and accessible for everyone, and supported by the public, private, education and community sectors. Through a global network of experts, practitioners, and learners, the SLE Programme develops tools and resources that allow policymakers, businesses and civil society to build sustainable systems of living. It aims to address global challenges such as biodiversity conservation, resource efficiency, climate change mitigation, poverty reduction and social well-being.
At the level of individuals, SLE’s Anatomy of Action toolkit outlines the top-level changes any individual can make to support the growing shift to global sustainability. SLE’s Good Life Goals lay out 85 ways anyone can contribute towards the huge, planet-changing objectives that sit at the heart of the SDG agenda.
At a more systemic level, the SLE Programme equips teachers and educators with curriculum resources on sustainable lifestyles, guides policymakers on sustainable lifestyle supporting policies, and provides strategic resources for businesses, civil society and community groups.
OneEarth Living is a co-lead of the SLE Working Group on Amplifying Sustainable Lifestyles and Education, along with IGES. With partners, we aim to accelerate a worldwide movement and action. We created the SLE Contributor Cohort, which brings together outstanding young leaders from around the world to further SLE research, networks and initiatives.
Sample projects:
Project Team

Dr. Vanessa Timmer

Lisa Mastny

Max Serpa